

Common skincare mythes debuts

Common skincare mistakes debuts  Over the years we have collected a treasure trove of old wives tales disguised as beauty secrets. Common skincare mythes. From toothpaste on pimples to mouthwash on feet to not sleeping on your side, these stories make us smile as we imagine the women throughout our ancestry who actually subscribed to [...]

The Danger In Chemicals Skin Care

Why should you use natural based skin care & what's The Danger In Chemicals Skin Care ? Do you suffer from Eczema? Irritations? Breakouts? Allergies? and more symptoms? It can be easy to avoid the danger in chemicals skin care I would love to help you simplified your skin care routine, while avoiding health risks, [...]

By |2022-11-09T11:11:06+02:00November 19th, 2020|Health issues|0 Comments


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