Awaken the feminine energy can be put in daily routine, itś how we go from moment to moment and embrace it.

What is divine feminine energy?

We all have both feminine and masculine energy within us, no matter the gender.

WHile these energies are not balanced we experience bumps in relationships, work, overall being.

Divine Feminine energy is a universal frequency that is the cornerstone of our physical and spiritual existence. It is the vibration of the Great Goddess: the spiritual mother and ultimate life-giver.

Goddess Consciousness is a state of awareness connected to the feminine life force. This is a container for heart and soul wisdom, to natural and divine laws, and to loving, harmonious and peace-enhancing behaviours.

Divine Feminine energy also gives rise to Divine Masculine energy, as it is a ‘home’ or ‘cosmic mother’ for all of creation.

Feminine energy in short:

  1. Intuitive
  2. Heart-centered
  3. Compassionate
  4. Wise
  5. Accepting
  6. Forgiving
  7. Collaborative
  8. Reflective
  9. Creative
  10. Sensual
  11. Kind
  12. Gentle
  13. compassionate
  14. holding space
  15. warm and loving
  16. being instead of doing
  17. emotional, feels everything, chaotic


How to begin awaken The Feminine Energy?

Feel your Feelings

Many of us expend enormous energy running from our feelings. Emotional connection and release are often portrayed as weak or unwanted in our masculin driven society.

To unlock divine feminine energies, we need to access, fully feel, and release our feelings without judgement. Stagnant feelings become held not only in the physical body, they are also locked in the ‘spiritual body’. This blockage can restrict the flow of divine feminine energy and make us sick, both genders and energies!

Safe spaces are vital for the process of truly feeling your feelings and releasing deeply held emotions. You may find this safe space with a therapist, a spiritual mentor, a friend etc.

I strive to offer you that safe place at Pure Salon as well.

As you begin to allow yourself to fully feel your feelings without judgement, have them witnessed with compassion, and not run from them, the true essence of the Spiritual Feminine can begin to flow through you once again.

Honour your Intuitive Impulses

Intuition is the gift of the Sacred Feminine Soul. Essentially, intuition is ‘knowing without knowing how you know’. It is a sense that bypasses the mind or logical reasoning. It is sometimes called your ‘sixth sense’, because it transcends the physical or mental planes.

A key aspect to realising your intuitive gifts is re-developing trust. Your trust in your own intuitive nature may have been severely damaged or even broken during past lives when you were criticised, or even hurt, for using your intuitive gifts and openly displaying your spiritual, healing & psychic abilities.

We all receive intuitive impulses in different ways. You may have clear intuitive sight, in which you ‘see’ images or colours through your inner vision. You may be extremely clairsentient, which means that your body gives you intuitive messages through your physical and emotional responses. There are many ways that you can receive guidance from your Sacred Feminine channels.

Create Ritual & Sacred Space

Your feminine soul energy naturally responds to beautiful, devotional spaces that have been created with love and intention.

On a deep level, when you create and take part in simple ritual and ceremony – just as easy as lighting a candle for yourself or another – your divine feminine essence wakes up. Sacred spaces begin at home, with simple altars comprising of just a few beautiful and meaningful items: a fragrant candle, crystals, elements of nature such as stones or driftwood, silk cloths in resonant colours and incense.

Connect with your Body Wisdom

Your body is your most accurate barometer for sacred feminine truth and wisdom. Your body also gives you signals when something is ‘off’ in your life and out of alignment with your evolving soul energy. You can start with listening to your body, practice yoga, breath into the body , to each part, with awareness. Nourishing your body with healthy, whole food ( Blog posts about healthy eating).

Consecrate Stillness & Honour your Inner Voice

Creating regular times of stillness, quiet, meditation and contemplation are vital components of activating divine feminine energy.

You have a wise inner voice that is connected to a source of guidance wholly invested in your highest good, and how you can contribute uniquely to the world.

The inner voice is linked to your sacred feminine contract to the universe. This means, simply, that you have a spiritual role to fulfil here on earth and your inner voice shows you how to step into it.

It is challenging to hear and feel your inner voice if you never create spaces of stillness, silence or reverence.

Receive love – Feminine energy is about receiving and opening, so even if you’re a natural giver, you need to make sure you’re filling up your own reserve.

Receive a massage – A massage therapy is a wonderful way to embody your feminine energy. While getting a massage your muscles relax and stored emotions in the body are free to move and release. As touch is a mian love language for the feminine energy, a good relaxing massage is super nourishing for the soul and support your flowing feminine energy.

Book your massage and dive into full joy and relaxation!