The solar plexus chakra is the third of the seven main chakras. It is associated with our confidence, will, and self-esteem. It also commonly referred to as the source or center of personal power. This chakra is located just above the belly button and around the abdominal area. It governs our will and sense of self. When blocked, we can feel powerless and without purpose. Additionally, we can also lack confidence and self-esteem. On a physical level, a solar plexus chakra blockage can also create or exacerbate digestive issues, diarrhea, bloating, and nausea. Even worse, an untreated blockage is also linked to ulcers and diabetes over time!

Are you ready to become empowered and seize the day? The solar plexus chakra governs confidence, ego, and willpower. However, when this chakra becomes blocked, often we lose our confidence and self-esteem. Consequently, we can become “people-pleasers” that constantly need the validation of others. Worse, we can lose our ability to take control of own lives. While there are many ways to open, align, and balance your solar plexus chakra, using essential oils balance your solar plexus chakra is one of the quickest, simplest, and most effective methods.

The 5 most highly recommended essential oils to help unblock, balance and open the solar plexus chakra:

  1. Black Pepper
  2. Lemongrass
  3. Ginger
  4. Rosemary
  5. Sandalwood

How Do You Use Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oils?

I recommend diffusing the essential oils or applying them topically on the skin. diluted in a carrier oil ( ex. Almonds oil)

After you mixed and diluted them ,apply them near the solar plexus chakra area, above your belly button, you don’t have to use all of them, even one oil balance solar plexus chakra great!

Read here about balancing your heart chakra

I love to use different blends in my own diffuser and at Pure Salon, the gentle scent always delivers what we need at the moment:)