Essential oils for the sacral chakra can support you as you journey towards health and wellness using the intelligence of the Chakra System.

The second chakra, the sacral chakra, activates our ability to feel pleasure and joy in our lives. Through a balanced sacral chakra, we ripen and move towards self-awareness and joyfulness.

When the sacral chakra is balanced, we are playful, spontaneous, expressive and connected to ourselves. Because we are conscious and comfortable, we interact with others in nurturing, joyful and loving ways.

The sacral chakra is responsible for movement and flow within our lives. It addresses sexuality, creativity and emotions. There is no fear when our sacral chakra is open and in balance. We are happy to jump into a cool lake without fear, share a nurturing hug with a friend, and express our emotions in love and trust. When our sacral chakra is aligned, we become creative and create without worry of it “not being good enough”, whether it’s drawing a heart in the sand, painting a picture, coloring or creating life. To find the flow of expressions available to us through the Sacral Chakra, we must first feel safe.

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the element of water. When water is contained, say, in a river, with rocks and clay at its sides, it swirls, it rocks, and it flows.

In Sanskrit, the sacral chakra is named Svadhishthana, which means sweetness.

How does a sacral chakra imbalance look like?

  •          If you are repressing sexuality and emotions, believe you do not have the ability to be creative, and tend to disconnect from others.
  • An unhealthy dependency or co-dependency with others, or a substance that gives you easy access to pleasure.
  • Being ruled by your emotions.
  • Numbness and disconnection with yourself and how you feel
  • Overindulgence in fantasies and sexual obsessions or the opposite – lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
  • Feeling stuck in a feeling or mood

The Sacral Chakra supports the foundation of our feelings of well being and personal expansion and the formation of identity through relating to others and the world. When our sacral chakra is in balance not only are we expressive creatively and emotionally, but our relationships become healthy, pleasurable and enjoyable because we are not using them as means to our survival and feeling of connection and placement in our world.

A balanced Sacral Chakra may look like:

  • The ability to be playful and seek and enjoy simple pleasures
  • Uninhibited creative and emotional expression
  • A healthy sense of our sexuality and the ability to enjoy sensual experiences

Essential oils for the Sacral Chakra

To help balance your sacral chakra, you may use essential oils with your yoga and meditation practice. Child’s pose and upward facing dog pose are known poses to assist in caring for your sacral chakra. If you like music, here is a good article on healing sound frequencies for the sacral chakra

Top 5 oils to support the sacral chakra:

  1.  Orange essential oil –  The sacral chakra can be activated by the color orange.  Spending time being around the color orange, wearing orange and even eating an orange can help activate and bring balance to the sacral chakra. Orange is a happy, joyful and playful color and the scent of orange essential oil is powerful with balancing.
  2. Ylang Ylang essential oil smells amazing and is a wonderful essential oil to balance and stimulate the sacral chakra.he sacral chakra is the place where our sense of masculine and feminine balance; where our expressions of emotion, sensuality and sexuality are possible.Ylang Ylang essential oil works for the sacral chakra by promoting a sense of calm and peace while acting as an aphrodisiac. It helps diminish feelings of stress and anxiety, can relieve symptoms of depression, and promotes a feeling of well being and boosts self esteem. What a sexy essential oil!
  3. Neroli essential oil -Neroli Essential Oil is similar to Orange essential oil because it comes from the same tree, but it is produced from different parts of the tree. Neroli essential oil alleviates symptoms from anxiety and stress-related depression. It helps stimulate an under-active sacral chakra with its intoxicating, floral, sweet, honey-like scent. It can be used in recipes for an essential oil blend to balance your sacral chakra.
  4. Sandalwood essential oil – Sandalwood is highly recommended by experts to help balance the sacral chakra.With its woodsy and warming smell, Sandalwood Essential Oil “promotes a sense of contentment with self.”A healthy sense of self and self-acceptance is crucial to expressions of sensuality, sexuality, creativity and emotional expression. If you are not expressing yourself from a place of self-acceptance, this can put you in a vulnerable position leading to traumas that can create imbalances in the rest of your chakra system, for example; overstimulation of the root chakra, the closing up of your heart chakra, and disillusionment in your third-eye and crown chakras.Sandalwood Essential Oil stimulates sensual and spiritual love that allows us to access feelings of pleasure and joy. It assists to regulate hormones in the reproductive systems.
  5. Jasmine essential oil-  Jasmine Essential Oil promotes love, sensuality, sexuality and creativity. It joyfully opens the sacral chakra. The scent properties of magical Jasmine Essential Oil inspire encouragement to live in the moment. It balances hormones and promotes wholeness within the self.

The ability to receive pleasure and self care is crucial to balance the Sacral chakra, you are welcome to enjoy diving into pleasure and care at Pure Salon!