When you feel your energy is not balanced and you need something quick to help you find peace in the chaos, try this simple tool!

Balance your nervous system with the intelligence of the heart.

Chaos or feeling unstable and anxious creates a “fight” between two sides of the nervous system – Imagine driving a car with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brakes at the same time.

The feeling of this fight is also like the mind and the brain are going to different directions, the brain chatter is bringing up all things that hold you back, stories and beliefs that can simply play mind games on you, while the heart is looking where can i find peace in the chaos.

It’s very incoherence state to be in and trying to make decisions or simply be stable is difficult.

This is why these two emotions or directions can leave us feeling drained: they are inefficient mentally, emotionally and physically.

On the other hand, coherence between the heart and the brain can create clarity of thoughts, synchronizations between multiple systems in the body and in general less stress, stability and feeling grounded and centered.

This simple method is one of many i teach at the ” Goddess Alchemy program” (which you are welcome to read about it here)

I aim to give you as many tool that i tried and tested, which you can always take with you and mostly take only few minutes.

Imagine you have a tool kit you can always use, anywhere, and get from anxiety or chaos to feel your own power!

Let’s get to the method: HEART BREATHING- balancing your nervous system using the power of your heart.

  1. Close your eyes and start to slow down your breathing, while shifting your focus to your heart area.
  2. Feel and imagine your breath coming in through the heart, the chest and going out through your solar plexus (above your naval)
  3. Activate positive emotions and feelings by bringing up moments for example that you felt really loved, moments and memories that you felt very proud, happy, joyful, maybe a “coincidence” that made something very special in your life.
  4. Continue this breathing and really dive in with what you can ( feel, imagine, think) into these emotions and beautiful memories and allow them to flood you.

You will feel your heart starts opening and the emotions that you brought up will beat the chaos!

Simple, isn’t it? Try it, nothing worth you feeling unstable and unbalance!

If you are curios about the tools, the way i work (it’s a 1:1 journey), i invite you to schedule a FREE discovery call and you can get all the info you need and most important, feel yourself if you are a good fit for the program.

From my heart to yours, Lots of love,
