Essential oils for love and sensuality

Our sense of smell stimulates nerve endings in our nose. This, in turn, stimulates a part of our brain called the limbic system that triggers libido.

Properly setting the mood for romance involves engaging all of the senses. This is where aromatherapy for sensuality can come in handy. Aromatherapy specific properties can even affect your emotions, as well as your frame of mind.

Naturally spice things up with these essential oil for Love and sensuality combinations to designed to strengthen and uplift your love and connection life.

Our sense of smell is linked to the limbic lobe of the brain and activates the hypothalamus. What does this mean for your love life?

The hypothalamus is the hormone control center in the body, so regulates and stimulates sex drive, energy levels and healthy production of hormones.

Essential oils are beneficial for many reasons: cooling oils help to calm the nervous system and clear a chaotic mind, while warming oils can excite and open space for passion and communication. Scent, like sex, is sensual. It helps to ease the mind and body, making you more readily available to a physical experience.

Belonging and Connection 

Helichrysum –  Promotes emotional security and strength, and promotes emotional stability and calm. (and for you skin,heal acne scars)

Ylang Ylang – Disinhibits and sensualizes, enhances self-esteem, and promotes euphoria and optimism;

Cedarwood –  Inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive love and support.

Belonging and connection are essential in establishing a healthy sex life. These feelings help draw you into your partner and establish comfort and communication. (Side safety note:always must be diluted in carrier oil,  Put a drop of each scent in your palm with a teaspoon of carrier oil)


Jasmine – Known as “the oil of sexual purity and balance”, jasmine nurtures healthy sexuality and helps to balance sexual forces. Arouses dormant passions, and is said to cultivate positive intimate experiences by encouraging self-acceptance, trust, and safety. (and for your skin)

Clary Sage – Calms the mind, promotes relaxation and mild euphoria; the antidote to sexual disinterest.

Cinnamon – Considered “the oil of sexual harmony”, cinnamon supports the reproductive system, dispels fear of rejection and nurtures healthy sexuality. Rekindles sexual energy, and promotes letting go of jealousy or control.