The way meditation improves your skin look:

Skin is a fantastic communicator that often reveals our unspoken emotions to the world. Our faces turn pink with embarrassment or white with fear. Complexions can appear sallow, dry or as if aged overnight, especially during difficult times. (Read more about the connection between your emotion and your beauty)

Meditation addresses the underlying issues that create skin problems in the first place. An emerging field of research called psychodermatology studies the interaction between mind and skin, looking at the effects of emotions on the skin as well as disorders that have skin manifestations. By bridging the gap between our emotional and mental states with our overall health, meditation has many benefits.

  • Meditation reduces negative emotions

New research from the University of Sheffield that combines past studies found techniques like meditation, relaxation sessions and cognitive behavior therapy have real benefit for people suffering from skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, acne and vitiligo (a pigment disorder).

In one study, people who suffered from psoriasis listened to meditation tapes while they received ultraviolet light treatments. The result was they healed four times as fast as non-meditators. The study determined that meditation reduced the stress that caused psoriasis in the first place and triggered the body’s innate ability to repair itself.

  • Meditation slows down the aging process.

Mindful breathing while meditating adds oxygen to the skin, which is key in boosting cellular health. This increased oxygen rejuvenates your skin, balancing your body and your mind while transforming your body’s cells and tissues.

It improves your complexion, reduces wrinkles and slows down the aging process from the inside out, together with a relaxing treatment your cells are fluided with fresh oxygen!

  • Meditation improves self-confidence and mood

Your complexion is intimately connected to feelings of self-confidence. When your skin looks better, your sense of confidence increases, too. A regular meditation practice increases the brain’s ability to repair itself and grow new neural connections. Like a muscle, these neural pathways get stronger and more effective over time with practice.


Come over to the salon, lay down, and without even knowing it you will be drift away to a meditative state…I treat your skin holistically, means i look into wellness and treat from within.

SO you gain the beauty and the rejuvenation inside and out!