Welcome to the first eclipse and new moon in april 2022 that can be reflecting around comfort, pleasure and your values.

As the fixed earth sign, Taurus is known for its mindful, steady, pragmatic vibe, which can pretty much be felt throughout its season. You could be inspired to soak up time with loved ones, take your time curating the perfect warmer weather wardrobe, or researching travel plans for late spring and summer. But the Bull’s moment is bound to be more intense than usual this year, thanks to the fact that it plays host to the first eclipse season of 2022, which kicks off with a solar eclipse and new moon in Taurus.

New moons — which happen when the confident sun pairs up with the security-seeking moon — generally offer the chance to gain clarity around a new chapter you want to write over the course of the next two weeks.

And when a new moon is accompanied by a solar eclipse — which happens when the moon casts a shadow on the sun — the intensity of the moment can feel practically off-the-charts. Emotions run high, and your actions might feel like they carry even more weight than usual — because it feels like you’re on the brink of a whole new chapter.

This particular new moon  in april 2022 and solar eclipse is marked by some resistance to change, given that it falls in fixed earth sign Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, represented by the Bull, is a fan of all things familiar, cozy, and comfortable. Ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure and values, Taurus tends to associate what they know with what feels best. But eclipses are basically astrological wild cards, which certainly conflicts with the Bull’s M.O.

Still, Taurus, the ruler of the second house of income, loves any opportunity to build security, create a luxurious experience, or nurture self-worth, and this supercharged new moon could bring any of those aims even more within reach. If you are open to it, this supercharged New Moon Eclipse in Taurus could provide just the boost you’ve been needing.

  • One of the main planetary aspects of this eclipse is a conjunction to rebellious Uranus, the planet of change, revolution, the future, and innovation, This could mean that in the days around the eclipse, you could more readily experience an epiphany or have a wild breakthrough. Because Taurus oversees values and security, there’s a chance that any major changes spurred by the eclipse might be related to income, work (perhaps of an independent nature, given Uranus’ influence), or simply recognizing you are blessed already…
  • The new moon also forms a pretty close sextile — one of the most harmonious angles — to Mars, currently moving through mutable water sign Pisces. Whether you’re gearing up to dive into a team effort, dip your toe back into the dating world, or strike out on your own professionally, the planet of action can offer up a bit of a caffeine boost to plow ahead now. Although it does bear noting that Pisces is more comfortable with dreams, intuition, and imagination than concrete, bold moves, so you could find you’re able to move the ball forward on a goal in a more emotional and psychological than physical way now.
  • On the day of the new moon, Venus, the planet of love (which rules Taurus and is, therefore, the ruling planet of this eclipse), will be closely conjunct Jupiter, the planet of abundance in Pisces. This planetary pairing is one of the most fortunate for love, creativity, pleasure, and one-on-one bonds, so this eclipse might be a powerful turning point for any artistic, romantic, pleasurable, or even platonically fulfilling pursuit.
  • It is time to bring your pleasure, radical self love, loving communications and connections to the spot! Set your intention and waatch the universe conspire in your favor!

Self love time is right here: