Natural soft and silky hair

Have you ever looked at some people in complete awe, wondering what they do to maintain such gorgeous hair? Though a lot is inherited through the genes, there are people who hamper their health by not keeping track of their diet and lifestyle. They adopt unhealthy habits and most often fail to pay attention to the importance of external care.

Today, your basic hair-care regime is of the utmost importance along withnatural treatments to give your locks that extra dose of nourishment. Imagine all that sweat, smoke, heat and pollution getting stuck in your hair, ripping it off its natural radiance and health. While many may succeed at keeping their hair healthy, acquiring that natural radiance and bounce is not an easy task. No matter how long or thick your hair gets, the lack of luster, shine and softness will make it more damage prone.

The significance of natural ingredients takes precedence when it comes to hair care. No amount of artificial application will give you long term result over the sustained nourishment of natural agents. They are easy on the pocket and can be put together in a jiffy to give you the desired results.

1. Diet

Your diet plays a vital role; what you eat reflects outside on your face, hair and skin. For healthy, shiny and lustrous hair you must not forget those green vegetables, protein, Vitamin C, Omega 3, 6, 9, primrose oil, and Vitamin E among other nutrients.

According to Ayurveda, our hair and nails are the extension of our bones. The dhatus or tissues responsible for the growth of our hair and nails come from the bones. Therefore, micronutrients like zinc, magnesium and calcium – essential to bone health – come into play to ensure healthy hair growth as well. According to Ayurveda, a handful of white sesame seeds eaten every morning will meet your daily dose of calcium and magnesium. Your regular diet should ideally be a mix of 1200mg of calcium, 600mg magnesium and 60mg of zinc to ensure optimum hair heath.

2. Protection

The first step to ensure silky, smooth hair is to avoid any kind of damage to your hair. External application or internal supply of nourishment will all go in vain if your hair is exposed to damaging conditions on a daily basis.

 Wash hair on a regular basis and avoid accumulation of sweat and dirt. Keep a check on dandruff or fungal infections. Make sure your head is not suffocated and enough air passes through it.

3. Nourishment

Hair Mask

Applying a nourishing hair mask right after oiling your hair will give that added nourishment to your hair, which is much needed to make it soft and silky.
* Another idea for homemade mask: Take 1 mashed avocado and mix it with 1 egg, 2 tsp mayo, 2 tsp honey and juice of half a lemon. Blend it and apply on hair after oiling. Let it sit for 45 minutes and wash off with a mild, natural shampoo.
Natural oils are usually great for softening the texture of your hair. You can  apply the Pure Hair Serum for that silky feel and look.

Natural Shampoo

 Instead of using chemical-based shampoo, switch to a natural, mild hair care. your hair will thank you from first use!
Nourish your body from within by eating right. Stay away from artificial and chemical treatments and styling. Live natural, live smart.