Diy summer strawberry scrub!

This easy strawberry sugar scrub is the perfect way to start your summer off with smooth skin!

Strawberries are naturally acidic, so they make a great scrub for oily skin. It has also been suggested that they help to lighten blemishes and scars although I’m not sure if there is much proof of that.

To top it off, fresh strawberries smell absolutely amazing! There is something so sweet and fresh about just picked strawberries, so why wouldn’t you want to rub them all over your skin?

This summer strawberry scrub recipe is made for the body, not for faces.  You could certainly try it on your face, but I always find sugar to be a little too rough on delicate facial skin. It is perfect as a body scrub though!

** this scrub needs to be used immediately after making because it contains fresh fruit. It won’t keep well, even for a day. Since this strawberry sugar scrub smells so fresh on its own, there was no need to add any essential oils. You certainly could add a drop of lemon to the red raspberry seed oil before mixing in, but I find no need to waste expensive essential oils in this simple recipe that works perfectly well on its own.

Summer strawberry scrub recipe


  • 1 large ripe strawberry
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon red raspberry seed oil


  1. In a small bowl, use a fork to mash strawberry completely.
  2. Add in sugar and stir well to combine.

  3. Measure in red raspberry seed oil and stir well until oil is fully incorporated.

To Use

  1. Take a small amount of strawberry sugar scrub and rub in gentle circles on freshly washed skin.
  2. Rinse off in the shower or with a damp washcloth.

  3. Pat skin dry so as not to remove the oil.

    Enjoy your creation of summer strawberry scrub!

    In need of a Post-summer refreshing facial? You are welcome to book your spot at Pure Natural Salon!