
oily skin

Common skincare mythes debuts

Common skincare mistakes debuts  Over the years we have collected a treasure trove of old wives tales disguised as beauty secrets. Common skincare mythes. From toothpaste on pimples to mouthwash on feet to not sleeping on your side, these stories make us smile as we imagine the women throughout our ancestry who actually subscribed to [...]

Layer skin care products for best results

Layer skin care products to get most desired results. Figuring out the right skincare order when you barely understand the difference between a toner and a serum is straight-up overwhelming. It also doesn’t help that the internet is full of misinformation and seriously bad advice... Because if you don’t layer your products in the right order, you may [...]

By |2022-04-24T14:24:49+02:00March 29th, 2022|Beautiful skin, facial|0 Comments


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