Winter doesn’t have to mean a dry, flakey skin, with these tips to prevent dry winter skin you can keep your skin healthy and glowing during the cold season!

You probably noticed that your skin responds to the changing seasons.  The skin often seems to get drier and flakier in colder winter months.

Cold air, dry indoor heat, low humidity levels, and harsh winter wind can all streep your skin of moisture. This can leave your skin looking a lot less radiant than normal — not only your face, but also your body.

There are tips to prevent dry winter skin you can easily apply.

What are the signs of dry skin?

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of dry skin include:

Symptoms can range in severity and look different depending on the area of your body that’s affected.

How to prevent dry winter skin

Dry winter skin isn’t inevitable. By making some changes to your skin care regimen and habits, and using the right products, you may be able to keep your skin looking soft, smooth, and vibrant all winter long.

(Holistic tips to change dry skin into glowing skin!)

1. Moisturize right after washing (face and body)

Any time you wash your face, hands, or body, you strip your skin of its natural oils.  specially if using chemicals hand soaps for example Since these oils help to lock in moisture, it’s vital to replace them. That’s why it’s important to use a moisturizer any time you wash your skin, especially in winter.

For you face: after washing, when the skin is still not totally dry, apply a good nourishing natural serum, followed by a natural, rich face cream.

Recommendations: Face: The Night Serum, Ultra Rich Day & Night Face Cream

Hands & Body: The dry hands lotion, Rich winter body lotion, Body Butter.

2. Apply sunscreen daily

Given the shorter winter days and less sunlight, it can be tempting to cut sunscreen out of your morning routine — but think again. Even in winter, harmful UV light can still stress your skin’s moisture barrier, which is vital for maintaining skin health and hydration. SPF is the base of anti aging! Try adding a layer of mineral sunscreen each morning after you’ve applied a moisturizer.

(Did you know all Pure’s face cream can be with added natural SPF?)

3. Use overnight treatments

Overnight treatments are an excellent way to revitalize or prevent dry skin. I have here for you Do it yourself recipes for overnight masks – Right HERE

4. Adjust your skin care routine

If the skin on your face seems to be especially sensitive or irritated due to the dry winter air, you may want to consider simplifying your skin care routine for the time being and change it to a sensitive skin routine.

Also, if your skin is irritated, it might be more sensitive to ingredients like fragrance and alcohol. This means that you anyway should stay away from chemicals loaded products and stay natural..

Recommendations:  Gentle Face Cleanser, Flowers Toner, Sensitive skin Day & Night Face Cream

(Read more tips about foods for winter dry skin)

5. Use a humidifier and or Oil diffuser

Humidifiers help to add moisture back into the air, which can be especially helpful when indoor heating is cranked up in the winter months. Having more moisture in the air can help act as a natural moisturizing agent which, in turn, may prevent and relieve skin dryness.

6. Dial down the temperature

A hot shower or bath at the end of a cold winter’s day can feel especially soothing. But, to keep your skin nourished, you may want to keep the water temperature closer to lukewarm. Too hot showers can strip away your skin’s natural oils faster than lukewarm water.

If you can, try cold showers! it is amazing for your nerve system, your hair, skin and anti-stress! (check out Wim Hof method about cold exposure)

7. Go easy on exfoliants and scrubs

Exfoliation, which helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, can help keep your skin looking smooth and vibrant. But, it’s possible to overexfoliate your skin if you do it too often or use the wrong products.

If your skin looks dry or flaky, you may want to stop the harsh ones opt for a gentle, natural scrub.

Recommendations : Natural face scrub

Do it yourself scrub

8. Hydrate from the inside

Another key step to keeping your skin healthy and glowing is to make sure you’re staying well hydrated throughout the day. Not taking in enough fluid can affect the appearance of your skin and also make it more susceptible to drying out. In addition to staying well hydrated, you may also want to focus on eating foods that are high in water and omega-3 fatty acids.

9. Look at the fabrics you wear or sleep in

A good rule when dealing with any skin problem is to avoid wearing harsh materials. And dry skin is no exception. If the skin on your body is extra dry, try wearing loose, comfortable, natural fabrics to reduce the risk of extra physical irritation.

Also, avoid washing your clothes in regular detergents. Look for detergents formulated for sensitive skin, which will likely be free of harsh chemicals and fragrances.

10. Wear gloves and apply nourishing hand cream

To protect your hands, wear warm gloves when stepping out into the cold and use a pair of silicone gloves when washing dishes.

Use rich hand lotion after exposing to the cold as well

11. Stay on top your professional facial care

Specially in winter it’s important to maintain your professional facials routine for every 5-6 weeks.

This will give your skin the proper cleanse, hydration and nourishment that is stronger then only home care.

You are invited to experience the all-natural treatments at Pure Natural Salon, for a total beauty and relaxation time!



Hope you liked these Tips to Prevent Dry Winter Skin and have a cozy winter!