You don’t have to hide behind sunglasses. You can use these tips to treat puffy eyes:

No one likes waking up with puffy, tired-looking eyes. We’ve all been there, and, in fact, that might be why you’re here right now and wondering how to get rid of those puffy eyes ASAP. Luckily, bringing your eyes back to normal isn’t as tricky as you might think, if there are no medical conditions, you can treat puffy eyes with these tips.

Sometimes we know exactly what got us to this point, like a night of crying, and other times, we’re not sure. There are a few common causes of puffy eyes, including allergies, sleep deprivation, and aging. The skin around our eyes is very thin, and as we age, the tissue matrix called collagen begins to weaken, it creates pockets, allowing fat and water to rest in your upper and lower eyelids, other causes are eye infection, high salt diet and too many cocktails….

Home remedies to treat puffy eyes:

Cold spoons

Chill two teaspoons in the freezer or fridge for about 10 minutes. Then, while lying down with your head slightly elevated, place a teaspoon over each eye. Keep the teaspoons in place until they feel warm. If the puffiness is still there, repeat the process.


Because cucumbers have a high water content, they’re great at rehydrating your eye area. And they’re particularly effective if your puffy eyes are a result of a crying jag. So, how can you get rid of puffy eyes with a cucumber? First take off the outer skin, as it may have pesticides that can irritate your skin. Thinly slice the cucumber, place one round over each eye. The combination of coolness, moisture, and a dose of vitamin K (cucumbers have a ton) helps improve blood circulation, while the veggie moisturizes your eye and reduces puffiness.

They’re also great additions to an at-home spa day.

More about cucumbers help for your eyes?

Frozen peas

A frozen bag of peas is kind of like a miracle cure. It can be used to alleviate joint pain, mild strains, sprains, and—you guessed it—puffy eyes. Wrap the bag in a hand towel, and then simply place over your closed eyes and wait about 15 minutes for the swelling to go down.

Tea bags

Another classic remedy to reduce puffy eyes is to use tea bags. Both green and black tea contain caffeine, flavonoids, and tannins, and all three reduce swelling and inflammation. Simply wet two tea bags and place them over the eyes for 15 to 30 minutes.

Diy coffee eyes serum

Give yourself an eye massage

An eye massage can reduce puffiness under your eyes by encouraging circulation and fluid drainage, specially with the beautiful Jade Roller,

which can be placed in the fridge for extra boost!

Essential Oils For Puffy Eyes

Lavender oil has a calming and soothing effect on the skin and nerves . Lemon oil aids in relieving stress and also contains natural antioxidants . These can make the skin under the eyes healthier and toned. Chamomile possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties . These properties can help relieve puffiness under the eyes. DO NOT APPLY THESE OIL ON THE SKIN DIRECTLY use Pure Eye Gel to have that bliss, gorgeous smelling treat!

Witch Hazel water

Witch hazel is a natural astringent, and it also has a tightening effect on the skin . You can easily get rid of swollen eyes with this remedy.

Use Witch hazel on a cotton ball and apply for 5 minutes on your eyes.

Aloe Vera For Puffy Eyes

Aloe vera contains essential vitamins and antioxidants . It not only reduces puffiness under the eyes but also tones the skin and has anti-aging effects. apply few drops, tap them around the eyes.

More about aloe vera magic:

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