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The Secrets beauty of Bergamot oil

By |2022-12-07T21:28:34+02:00December 7th, 2022|Essential Oils, skin irritations|

Bergamot oil doesn only smell amazing, but has amazing benefit, both physical and emotional! Bergamot oil yields a citrus-like aroma, with outstanding spicy-floral quality. The scent is both spicy and sweet and renown in perfumery for its ability to blend well with other fragrances to produce pleasing, complex aromas. Its strong scent makes it a [...]

The story of SLS

By |2022-07-19T22:20:20+02:00July 19th, 2022|Beautiful skin, Health issues|

If you’re an avid label-reader, then SLS is no stranger to you. Commonly found in body wash, shampoo, and face cleansers, it’s main ingredient in many cleansing products. What but exactly is SLS, what does it do, and why is there so much controversy surrounding its use? Let’s dive in. What is SLS?             SLS [...]

The Truth About Environmentally and health Harmful Chemicals in Your Beauty

By |2022-03-11T21:59:07+02:00March 11th, 2022|Health issues, skin irritations|

Why you need to be aware of environmentally and health harmful chemicals? Make-up, concealer,face creams, serums, eye creams, deodorant… These are just some of the many products women / men apply to their faces each day. But how much time do you spend checking what ingredients each of them contains when the average person uses [...]

Hydrafacial- The Natural Skin Resurfacing

By |2022-11-09T11:56:02+02:00August 24th, 2021|Beautiful skin, facial|

The Natural Skin Resurfacing You were waiting for the ultimate hydration treatment, and it's here - The Hydrafacial is your new bff!   Skin facts: 90% of skin damage is caused by sun exposure and by using toxic chemicals in cosmetics. After the age of 20 , a person produce 1% less collagen in the [...]

The Danger In Chemicals Skin Care

By |2022-11-09T11:11:06+02:00November 19th, 2020|Health issues|

Why should you use natural based skin care & what's The Danger In Chemicals Skin Care ? Do you suffer from Eczema? Irritations? Breakouts? Allergies? and more symptoms? It can be easy to avoid the danger in chemicals skin care I would love to help you simplified your skin care routine, while avoiding health risks, [...]

DIY Shining Hair Rinse Recipe

By |2023-01-02T13:56:03+02:00January 20th, 2020|Do it yourself, Essential Oils|

A super simple recipe for a hair rinse.  It’s just apple cider vinegar and water (with a few essential oils added in, of course!).  I know what you’re thinking-Apple Cider Vinegar stinks!  Yes, it does.  BUT, don’t knock this until you try it-ACV does amazing things for hair-and I promise, you won’t smell like vinegar.  [...]

DIY Eyebrows Serum

By |2023-01-02T13:56:03+02:00January 14th, 2020|Do it yourself|

 A thinkening diy eyebrows serum With age comes less brows and a brow thickening serum is a must to keep the shape as it should be.  Believe it or not, there are a couple natural ingredients that actually encourage brow growth, making a diy eyerows  serum so easy to make! For those of you out [...]


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