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DIY Hair Masks For Different Hair Types

By |2016-09-17T16:00:54+02:00September 17th, 2016|Do it yourself, Pure Tips|

Homemade hair masks for your own hair type We all have our own unique hair type, and especially during different times of the year, it can get unruly and out of control. We created these custom masks to cater to five different hair types.   Damaged Hair Recipe: 1 Egg Yolk 2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil 1 [...]

DIY Shining Hair Rinse Recipe

By |2023-01-02T13:56:03+02:00January 20th, 2020|Do it yourself, Essential Oils|

A super simple recipe for a hair rinse.  It’s just apple cider vinegar and water (with a few essential oils added in, of course!).  I know what you’re thinking-Apple Cider Vinegar stinks!  Yes, it does.  BUT, don’t knock this until you try it-ACV does amazing things for hair-and I promise, you won’t smell like vinegar.  [...]

DIY Coconut Hair Spray & Volumizing Powder

By |2023-01-02T13:56:46+02:00February 1st, 2018|Do it yourself, Pure Tips|

Make your own natual hair spray! Finding the right hair productsisn't always easy and of course you don't want to put all these chemicals-loaded products on your head, right? So after switching to natural shampoo and conditioner, let's check out two easy homemade hair products! Making your own hair products is easier than you’d expect, [...]

Rose Hair Spray

By |2021-07-11T18:57:05+02:00July 11th, 2021|Do it yourself|

Diy Rose Hair Spray for a long shining hair! Do you feel your hair needs a lift me up boost? This rose hair spray is natureś gift to you: Rosewater is an amazing beauty ingredient and been used in many skin and hair care products for many years. It contains natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties [...]

DIY Eyelash Growth Serum

By |2023-01-02T13:56:06+02:00February 15th, 2020|Do it yourself, Essential Oils|

Eyelash growth serum you can make yourself! Like the hair on your head, your eyelashes can get dried out when overworked (with makeup and cleansers). Damaged eyelashes can fall out and thin over time.There are some essential oils that are known for their abilities to stimulate hair growth and are calming and soothing oils that [...]

DIY Eyebrows Serum

By |2023-01-02T13:56:03+02:00January 14th, 2020|Do it yourself|

 A thinkening diy eyebrows serum With age comes less brows and a brow thickening serum is a must to keep the shape as it should be.  Believe it or not, there are a couple natural ingredients that actually encourage brow growth, making a diy eyerows  serum so easy to make! For those of you out [...]

Dry Hair Causes And Treatment

By |2023-01-02T13:56:30+02:00September 26th, 2017|Do it yourself, Health issues|

What are the Dry Hair Causes And Treatment? Don't let your shampoo bottle fool you: Dry hair is not a hair type—it's a condition that can be treated. Your first step: Find out what's stripping strands of their natural oils. We asked experts in the field to nail down some culprits, as well as simple treatments to [...]

Time Saving Hair Care Tips

By |2021-03-23T18:53:17+02:00January 18th, 2017|Do it yourself, Pure Tips|

Time Saving hair care tips The winter air can be particularly drying. In the winter months, many naturals struggle with retaining moisture and preventing breakage.  With a demanding schedule — work, school, family — keeping natural hair healthy during the dry air months can be even more daunting.  But just because you are busy, does [...]

Vanilla Hair Growth Mask

By |2023-01-02T13:56:33+02:00October 10th, 2016|Do it yourself, Healthy Recepies|

Super easy DIY Vanilla hair growth mask Hair loss is a common problem nowadays. As hair is regarded as an asset that enhances one’s physical appearance, balding or thinning hair is a problem that many want to correct as soon as possible. Some of the common factors contributing to thinning hair are excessive physical or emotional [...]


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