
sensitive skin

Natural Beauty Benefits of Roses

The beauty benefits of roses We already instinctively entwine roses with notions of beauty and love. It seems only fitting then that roses actually do offer beauty-enhancing benefits. This iconic flower specifically does beauty wonders on the skin. The ancient Greeks and Romans used rose petals to perfume their baths. They highly valued roses and [...]

By |2022-11-09T11:02:01+02:00December 14th, 2016|Beautiful skin|0 Comments

Nutmeg & Cinnamon Autumn Face Mask

Healing Autumn face mask These yummy spices not only smell amazing, but are naturally good for your skin. In this autumn face mask, Nutmeg has anti-inflammatory properties and can actually help to reduce pore size and diminish acne spots and scars. Cinnamon acts natural exfoliate and antiseptic. When these spices are combined with honey, it [...]


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