
Monthly Archives: January 2022

The Divine Feminine Archetypes & How To Embody Their Powerful Energy

What is a feminine archetype? An archetype is a combination of qualities, thoughts, and behaviors that a woman or man displays. We all have divine feminine and divine masculine energies within us. However, we live when the feminine is not valued, which means the shadow sides of both the feminine and masculine can be seen on both [...]

By |2023-07-13T13:21:59+02:00January 30th, 2022|spirituality and energy|2 Comments

How to avoid face mask acne?

Yes, it's a  "thing" - face mask acne..... And not surprising, as we breath into a mask that covers our skin, can take hours to change it and in general, the skin can not breath properly (and so are you). You’re not alone if you get breakouts after wearing a mask. This disorder, known as [...]

By |2022-11-08T18:53:27+02:00January 26th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Essential oils for the Sacral Chakra

Essential oils for the sacral chakra can support you as you journey towards health and wellness using the intelligence of the Chakra System. The second chakra, the sacral chakra, activates our ability to feel pleasure and joy in our lives. Through a balanced sacral chakra, we ripen and move towards self-awareness and joyfulness. When the sacral chakra [...]

By |2022-01-22T21:39:48+02:00January 22nd, 2022|Essential Oils, spirituality and energy|0 Comments

Teenage face wash routine

What is the ideal teenage face wash routine? How often should teenagers wash their face? As your teen approaches puberty their skin will produce more sebum, a skin oil that can clogs pores and attract acne bacteria. Encouraging teens to wash their face twice a day – once in the morning and once at night [...]

By |2023-01-02T13:55:50+02:00January 19th, 2022|Beautiful skin, skin irritations|0 Comments

Essential Oils for Chakras: Balance the root chakra

How can we use aromatherapy to balance the root chakra? What do you do when your energy feels off-kilter? It could be stemming from your chakras. The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit, and means “disk” or “wheel.” Chakras are energy centers in the body that correlate to certain psycho-emotional functions. They each correspond to certain [...]

By |2022-01-13T11:53:04+02:00January 13th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Avocado Oil Beauty Benefits

Avocado Oil Beauty Benefits are countless, if you eat it or use it on your skin! Iḿ pretty sure that avocados already play a major role in your everyday life. Whether you eat it  directly or cook with its oil, the uses of avocado are far from limited. As it turns out, avocado oil is [...]

By |2022-01-04T15:10:19+02:00January 4th, 2022|Beautiful skin|0 Comments

Embracing Change – Pure Journey

Embracing change....I would love to share my story with you, what have i been through the last months. Itś been a long journey these past few months. A journey where i felt every possible feeling. From anxiety to despair, true happiness, helplessness, endless thoughts, new life.   Where has Pure been? As you might already [...]

By |2022-11-08T19:02:35+02:00January 1st, 2022|About Pure Natural cosmetics|0 Comments


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