

keep the glamor during pregnancy

From Sprinkling rose water on the face to natural face masks ; 5 Natural Ways to keep the glamor during pregnancy! 1)    sprinkling rose water on the face will balance and calm him. While pregnant , everything you eat, all the raising of the voice or a tear in the corner of the eye is attributed exclusively to hormones . Many [...]

Skin Pigmentation Treatment

Melasma, sometimes called chloasma, appears as a symmetrical blotchy, brownish pigmentation on the face. The pigmentation is due to overproduction of melanin by the pigment cells, melanocytes. There are several known triggers for melasma.   Sun exposure – this is the most important avoidable risk factor. Pregnancy may provoke melasma – in affected women, the [...]

By |2022-11-08T12:30:47+02:00June 20th, 2012|Beautiful skin, Health issues, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Pomegranate benefits for your skin- Red Is Hot!-

 Pomegranate benefits are so amazing for your skin! The oil extracted from seeds of the pomegranate and has a high concentration of fatty acids used in anti-oxidants and their effect on the skin to protect against infections and restoration of cells.  And the Pomegranate benefits for your skin are so beautiful The most important benefit [...]


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