Heavy metal detox Juice recipe To Clean Up!

Almost all of us have been exposed to toxic levels of heavy metals that over time can accumulate in your body and cause health issues and symptoms.One of the best, easiest and by far the most delicious way of helping your body detoxify heavy metals is to eat a lot of cilantro.and to make this heavy metal detox juice!

Cilantro is an incredible herb that is usually adored or detested for its taste.

(More about reducing toxins in the house)

this healing juice recipe is for you to enjoy as you detoxify too!


  • 2 cups pineapple
  • 2 apples
  • 1 lemon (peeled if not organic)
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 6 stalks celery or 1 small head of celery
  • 1 head of romaine
  • 1 small bunch cilantro (start with less, taste and add more)
  • 1 small bunch mint
  • 3 stalks chard or kale


Run each ingredient through a juicer one at a time. Stir well and serve.

Detox & Relax body massage is waiting for you at Pure Natural Salon!


And the good old tip, that works amazing is upon waking up, drink a glass of water with squeezed half lemon or lime, it will clear and wash away your gut system!