What are the feminine archetypes?

An archetype is a combination of qualities, thoughts, and behaviors that a woman or man displays.

We all have divine feminine and divine masculine energies within us. However, we live when the feminine is not valued, which means the shadow sides of both the feminine and masculine can be seen on both a small and large scale. we are now focusing on the Feminine Archetypes

A divine feminine archetype is when a woman embodies the highest expression of her feminine energies.

What are the main feminine archetypes?

A lot of the information out there on feminine archetypes is confusing. Some say there are three or four feminine archetypes, Jungian psychology claims there are at least seven, while some spiritual teachers say there are as many as 13.

What are the 4 feminine archetypes?

  • Maiden
  • Mother
  • Wild Woman
  • Crone


The complete 11 archetypes list is:

  • Maiden
  • Lover
  • Mother
  • Enchantress
  • Healer
  • Creatrix
  • Priestess
  • Queen
  • Warrioress
  • Wild Woman
  • Wise Woman

But here i gonna focus on the main four.

Feminine archetype #1: Maiden

The Maiden (or Virgin as she’s sometimes known) has an innocent, youthful, playful spirit. She has a passion and excitement for life, is bursting with energy, and ready to take on the world single-handedly. She is positive and optimistic, yet to be jaded by challenging life experiences that only come with age. And she is comfortable in her own skin and not afraid to show the world who she is at heart.

The Maiden phase is usually experienced before a woman discovers her career ambitions or enters marriage and motherhood.

In her shadow side, the Maiden’s innocence and lack of wisdom can make her vulnerable and leaves her open to others taking advantage of her. She may become compliant or obedient to satisfy her need to please others and be liked. She is also at risk of becoming codependent in a relationship and being drawn to risky situations.

How to embody the Maiden archetype

  • Unleash your creative energy
  • Focus on yourself
  • Think outside the box
  • Make a plan or set a goal
  • Explore your personal boundaries
  • Play!

Feminine archetype #2: Lover

The Lover archetype loves herself and others unconditionally. She desires to experience passionate connections and meaningful, intimate relationships. She is sensual and in touch with the little girl inside of her. She is open and joyful and invites you to touch her mind, body and soul. She is vulnerable, playful and free spirited. She loves connection with others and is happiest when engaging intimately with the earth or a significant other. She loves to frolic in the fields and forest as well as swim in the oceans and rivers.

The Lover is fully connected to her sensuality and sacred sexuality. She is confident, passionate and radiates magnetic energy. She craves deep connection and intimacy with others while simultaneously desiring freedom. The Lover has an abundant mindset and a hopeful outlook which means she draws all of these things into her life with ease. She is grounded in the present moment, and she has a presence that can be felt, which often makes her the center of attention—which she loves!

In her shadow side, the Lover can become controlling, attract unnecessary drama into her world, and use her feminine power to manipulate others and get what she wants. She may also be vain, be stuck in an unhealthy comparison trap, lack self-love, and self-esteem and have a distorted image of her physical self.

How to embody the Lover archetype


Feminine archetype #3: Mother

The Divine Mother archetype is tuned into her nurturing, caring, and compassionate side. Whether she has children of her own or is childless, she has a deep desire to protect, nourish and take care of others and/or her creations and watch them bloom. This can include a business venture or creative project. She is selfless and will often put others’ needs before her own.

Just as Mumma Earth nourishes everything on her planet and gives abundantly, the Mother shares similar gifts. She teaches us to trust, follow our natural rhythms, and discover balance in our lives.

In her shadow side, the Mother archetype can over-give to the point where her resources become depleted. She is neglecting herself and is therefore unable to show up as her best self. This can sometimes lead to a loss of her own identity as a woman, independent of her other roles. She can also become codependent and controlling as a caretaker and can struggle to let go when it’s time to.

How to embody the Mother archetype

  • Practice self-care
  • Don’t be afraid to put your own needs first
  • Think about how you can become less codependent
  • Connect to your sacred cycle, or the moon cycle
  • Spend time in nature
  • Heal your own mother wounds and end the cycle

Feminine archetype #4: Enchantress

The Enchantress is sometimes also known as the Maga archetype, and this phase takes place during the Autumn phase of a woman’s life.

The Enchantress enters a very different phase of her life if her children are now grown or have left home, and she stands on the cusp of menopause. This gives her a beautiful opportunity to rediscover who she is once again, in a later stage of life. She will likely have more time to explore her hobbies and passions again (or discover new ones) and has maturity and wisdom, and clarity to guide her on this new journey.

With her mind on her grandchildren and future generations, she is devoted to contribution, giving back, and immersing herself in her community to leave the world a better place.

In her shadow side, the Enchantress can lose her sense of self as her children move on with their own lives, and she feels empty, unfulfilled, and lacks purpose. This may lead her to withdraw from life and miss out on the opportunity to rediscover herself.

How to embody the Enchantress archetype

  • Explore old and new hobbies, interests, and passions
  • Lean on friends and family for support during times of challenge
  • Embrace this new stage of life, and look for the gifts it presents
  • Integrate yourself into your community

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