

Why Jade Roller Is Your Must-Have ?

Why the beauty world has fallen for jade roller again? Having racked up a huge number of hashtags already, it’s likely you’ve spotted a green jade roller or two on your Instagram feed in recent months. But what are they, and why is everyone using them? The beautiful green stone has long been a symbol [...]

By |2021-05-23T21:24:43+02:00June 28th, 2018|Beautiful skin, massage|0 Comments

Aromatherapy Caring in pregnancy

Aromatherapy  Caring in pregnancy... caring for you and your baby During pregnancy, self-care is more important than ever. Essential oils and pregnancy can help you relax (very important!) and deal with some of pregnancy's uncomfortable symptoms. Using aromatherapy recipes for pregnancy won't cure everything, but it can help ease symptoms and support a positive attitude [...]

By |2020-01-16T17:47:17+02:00January 14th, 2017|Essential Oils|0 Comments

keep the glamor during pregnancy

From Sprinkling rose water on the face to natural face masks ; 5 Natural Ways to keep the glamor during pregnancy! 1)    sprinkling rose water on the face will balance and calm him. While pregnant , everything you eat, all the raising of the voice or a tear in the corner of the eye is attributed exclusively to hormones . Many [...]


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