What is the difference between chemicals and mineral sun protection and why should you choose mineral sun protection?

By now we know that sun protection is non-negotiable and the basic of anti aging. specially when you visit Pure Salon, i will tell you:) Unprotected sun exposure can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes, and over time, it’s linked to the vast majority of facial skin aging. In other words: You need to wear sunscreen every day if you want your skin to stay youthful- and healthy-looking.

What Is Chemical Sunscreen?

Chemical sunscreens are formulas that use chemical filters to protect the skin from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. While many different types of chemicals offer sun protection, the most commonly used chemical SPF ingredients include oxybenzone, avobenzone, octinoxate, and octisalate. These admittedly hard-to-pronounce ingredients work like a sponge, absorbing ultraviolet radiation before it can reach your skin.

What Is Mineral Sunscreen?

Whereas chemical sunscreens use chemicals to filter out the sun’s damaging UV rays, mineral sunscreens physically block ultraviolet radiation with ingredients like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. As such, mineral sunscreen is sometimes called physical sunscreen or sunblock.

While chemical sunscreen can irritate the skin , create breakouts and acne and overall contains chemicals.. Mineral sunscreen, meanwhile, is very gentle, which makes it an ideal option for those with problem skin (it’s also the SPF of choice in most baby sunscreens).

Additionally, the active ingredients in mineral sunscreen are generally believed to be more environmentally friendly than chemical SPF, so if you want to protect your skin from the sun and also your health itś very simple to get mineral one, either in your face cream or apart.

You can order all Pure Face creams with SPF

or try the Sun Protection