The boxes that preventing you from feeling safe in your feminine- What may be the reason you don’t feel safe in your feminine?

I allow myself to open your eyes to the boxes you may place yourself in because I’ve been there. Making my life a struggle & ignoring my core needs & essence. Which ended up with me feeling so disconnected , so afraid of my feminine and women in general and I’m grateful for stepping out, doing my work, embracing my true essence, life changed dramatically!

The cool girl – do you also think that’s the way to be?

Let’s be real: the cool girl is a myth.

The idea of the “cool girl” has caused too many of us to feel like we have to fake who we really are in order to be seen as “cool” and chased by the hot guy. We think that we’re hotter if we act like the guys, playing cool and not care.. All it has done is shame women out of their truth.

Let’s face it (and embrace it): we’re sometimes emotional. Dramatic. Hormonal. Sensitive. Sexy. And no — we do not want to drink beer. We want Champagne, roses, foot rubs, warm baths, to have our feet in the grass, to dance, etc…and it doesn’t make us less worthy, sexy, hot, or deserving of love.

The cool girl was often seen as a guy’s dream in TV shows, programming us to put this into our real-life reality.  Programmed many of us to push down our feminine expression like it’s something that shouldn’t be shown and will get us into trouble.


There are 3 boxes you may place yourself in, that are hurting you, your heart. And may causing you to not feel safe in your feminine


  1. The Girl Boss

From a young age we think that if we’re a “girlboss” and achieving external measure of success, we’ll be happy and everyone will want to be our best friend.

 Many of us grew up believing that life would be better if we were crushing it at our careers. The girlboss puts work first, is in meetings with men all day, and hustling to the top. She’s dressed to perfection, does it all, and doesn’t shed a tear.

  1. The “One of the Boys” Girl

The girl that has a lot of guy friends, but for some reason, they’re not dating her. She wants to be “one of the guys” to be “cool.” She subconsciously (or consciously) wants love from men, so she thinks that by becoming “one of the guys”, she’ll be more included and loved by them. 

Watching the game with him and doing guy shit doesn’t make her more attractive to a masculine man — this is all a facade to keep her from being “too much”. She so deeply wants to be accepted and validated. She hopes that by being “low patience” and “cool” she’ll be  loved.

Here’s the reality: when he sees you as “one of the guys,” you lose polarity. What creates the sexual tension is the masculine/feminine . Maybe he likes you but he doesn’t cherish, protect, and provide for you the way your feminine heart is actually craving.

  1. Miss Independent

This is where I could live in, this box of extremely independent…burned me down.

Who is miss independent?

Deep down she’s actually afraid of giving control over to anyone for fear of being let down, so she does it all herself. She wants support and help but pushes it away — deep down she wants to ask for it, but won’t let herself admit that.

She kinda gets off to doing it “all herself”. She “doesn’t need a man” and she can provide and protect herself. 

It makes her feel good about herself by doing things on her own and for herself. She’s her own protector and provider, and finds it hard to let others in. Others would describe her as “powerful” and “determined”, but the power comes from a place of pain. When you’ve felt UNprotected by others, you learn to only rely on yourself.

If you buy into the idea of how a woman should be, you’ll end up allowing yourself to be put in a box. And even if you think you’re choosing the box, best believe you’ve probably been conditioned to think this is what you want.

There’s no one way of being a woman, so let’s take “should” out of your vocabulary when it comes to stepping into your femininity — make your own damn archetype. Because you are sexy, hot, fun, flirty, successful, and loved just the way you are.

And when you recognize these types in yourself, i know i did, you can choose to change, because staying in these box will drain your natural essence and energy.

Ok, got it, but how do i do it?

It starts with awareness.

And understanding the price that comes with hiding your true self.

Then learning what’s on the other side of these fear based behaviors- love, real one, for yourself, by yourself and by others.

Love for life instead of being drained and empty by life. And then releasing these blocks and stories to welcome and wire in the new you, true you, not hiding behind false beliefs.

It’s a way, but it’s so worth it!

That was a big transformation for me, changed me and my reality 180.  i love it and you will fall in love with it too! to feel safe in your feminine is precious.

And I want it for you as you should want it for you.

This is one of the things i will help you do in the coaching program, welcome beautiful! 


More about the feminine energy and archetypes