How can we use aromatherapy to balance the root chakra?

What do you do when your energy feels off-kilter? It could be stemming from your chakras.

The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit, and means “disk” or “wheel.” Chakras are energy centers in the body that correlate to certain psycho-emotional functions. They each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs in the body.

It’s important to keep your chakras open and energy flowing smoothly, according to proponents of energy healing. Otherwise they may become blocked and cause physical or emotional issues.

Aromatherapy can help balance the chakras. Using essential oils to recalibrate the body’s energy centers and keep things flowing smoothly can be very beneficial.

People use essential oils for chakras to access the information contained within a chakra center and to be able to direct very specific energies towards personal growth and healing.

The science behind essential oils and chakras

It’s important to note that scientific research supporting the health benefits of essential oils is limited.

2011 study suggests that some essential oils can help lessen stress and anxiety when used in tandem with traditional medicine.

Another studyTrusted Source from 2012 on the sleep benefits of essential oils found that smelling lavender oil before bed had a positive effect on sleep.

While the research is mixed, many people claim to enjoy the chakra-balancing benefits of essential oils. You can experiment for yourself with minimal risk as long as you keep safety precautions in mind.

Essential oil safety

Always do a patch test before using essential oils on your skin or in a bath. If there’s no irritation, you can proceed with using the essential oil.

Still, be sure to dilute it in carrier oil before applying it to your skin or adding it to your bath.

It’s also important to follow the appropriate dosage and dilution depending on how you’re using the oils. These differ for where on the body you’re applying the oil and whether the oil is being used by children or adults, or with pets nearby. In general, the only oil to place directly on the skin is Lavender, all the rest must be diluted, in doubt always contact a specialist.

Root chakra

What is the Root chakra and how can we balance the root chakra?

The root chakra is an earth element chakra located at the base of your spine. It’s believed to house:

  • instinctual knowing
  • raw sexuality
  • bodily pleasure
  • feelings of security and belonging

Balancing the root chakra can help you feel grounded, safe, steady, and at home.

Shadow or negative aspects commonly associated with the root chakra include:

  • feeling cut off and isolated
  • ambivalence toward life
  • substance misuse
  • financial difficulties
  • not living in a sustainable way that supports the earth

Essentials oils for the root chakra


Cedarwood Essential Oil is an oil that plays a big role in balancing your root chakra system. It’s the oil that is like a nurturing hug, it reminds you that you’re not alone. Diffuse it in your living space and you have a sense that you’re among the trees. On days when you feel frustrated, diffusing Cedarwood Essential Oil calms and cools your environment, giving you a sense of ease, calm and confidence in your capabilities.


Patchouli Essential Oil is one of the happiest oils. Patchouli is the oil that is like the cheerleader at your side, giving you the confidence to laugh through the tough times and believe in yourself no matter what.  Often used as a fragrance on the skin, Patchouli Essential Oil helps balance the root chakra system with its grounding and earthy nature. When used in aromatherapy to balance or open the root chakra system, Patchouli Essential Oil relieves stress, increases well-being and can bring about a sense of joy.


Myrrh Essential Oil is one of the oldest essential oils known to humankind. Since it is a powerful essential oil it makes sense that it’s found a use as an essential oil for Root Chakra Healing.

Myrrh Essential Oil is derived from the sap of the Commiphora myrrh tree. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (reducing the red). You can use myrrh Essential Oil in a diffuser to promote feelings of wellness and peace. Because of its properties that stimulate the brain when inhaled, the scents of myrrh Essential Oil can bring balance to the Root Chakra System by helping you notice your emotions as they come up. Myrrh Essential Oil stimulates the brain and brings a sense of presence that allows us to connect with our emotions and work through what’s needed to bring them from the negative to the positive, allowing you to move forward with increased energy and focus.


Frankincense Essential Oil is another one of the oldest essential oils known. It is a powerful essential oil with properties that help calm and soothe your spirits.

Frankincense is considered a sacred oil known to have many uses. When used to bring balance to the Root Chakra System, Frankincense Essential Oil can work as an antidepressant. It’s warm and earthy scent is grounding and uplifting. Use Frankincense Essential Oil in a diffuser during meditation while repeating your “I am” mantras or during your yoga practice. Wear on your skin throughout the day or add a few drops to your favourite personal diffuser.


Vetiver Essential Oil is one of the most popular essential oils for balancing your Root Chakra system. When feelings of restlessness, frustration and anxiety come up and wreak havoc on our ability to focus and be productive in our lives, Vetiver Essential Oil can be relied on to help bring a sense of calm and relaxation.

Devote a day to your Root Chakra and to yourself. Spend a day nature bathing in your bare feet; give yourself an hour to practise your Warrior poses; give yourself 15 minutes on a Root Chakra Balancing Meditation and finish your day with a Red Curried Dinner, or Pasta dish and warm bath. Use your favorite essential oils to balance your Root Chakra System. Connecting with ourselves in these ways can significantly alter your quality of life and help you rise into your personal power, sense of joy and courage to access what the universe offers and graciously provides.

At Pure Natural Salon you will be met with different essential oils mixes to calm and ground!