
Aphrodisiacs Herbs To Support Centuries Of Great Sex

Aphrodisiacs Herbs To Support Centuries Of Great Sex

What’s are the Aphrodisiacs Herbs to spice up your love life?


Aphrodisiacs herbs (derived from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite) are natural substances touted for their ability to increase sex drive and spice it up!

When it Like hunger, libido is a primitive instinct. They can both affect the way you behave, making you prioritize them above other things. Hunger and libido also involve similar chemicals, such as dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in the brain’s pleasure and reward center.   While you’ve probably heard of oysters or dark chocolate sparking some frisky feelings, you might be less familiar with aphrodisiac herbs.

This herbs plants have long been used in various cultures to help spark sensual pleasure.

(Note:  Even if they’re considered healthy foods, you may want to start with small doses. Also, consider consulting with your doctor before giving these herbs a try, particularly if you’re currently taking medication.)

So what are these Aphrodisiacs herbs?….


According to early herbalist folklore, vanilla is a mighty nervine thought to stimulate sexual appetite. Its captivating, pleasureful perfume makes it an ideal spice to elevate your mood, ease your senses, and perhaps even ignite sexual stamina.

Used initially by the Totonac Indigenous people of Mexico as a love-inducing elixir, vanilla is considered one of the world’s long-established, luscious aphrodisiacs.

(Read more about the benefits of Vanilla)

Ginkgo Biloba

This native Chinese tree has a number of reported health benefits: it may increase circulation, support brain function, alleviate stress by decreasing cortisol.  Although ginkgo biloba (also known as maidenhair) is readily available in tablet, capsule, or tincture forms—making an herbal brew is another popular way to give the brain an aphrodisiac lift.


As one of the most expensive spices worldwide, saffron and its active components have been widely used in ancient medicine because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidepressant properties. Regarding sexual health, one small study Human Psychopharmacol suggested that saffron might improve lubrication and pain issues during sex, specifically for women experiencing antidepressant-induced low libido.

Of course, saffron is also a delicious spice to add to your cooking—so testing out its potential aphrodisiac abilities might be well worth the splurge.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris (gokhshura in Sanskrit) has been used medicinally for centuries, in both Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, to support sexual function.

How about some sensual oils?…

(Before taking any new herb or supplement, it’s important to consider potential reactions or side effects. A little bit can go a long way, and, as with any other type of food, even something good and healthy, when eaten in excess, can be unhealthy or even toxic, so always get advised by a professional)

By |2021-02-17T22:38:14+02:00February 17th, 2021|Do it yourself, Essential Oils, Pure Tips, Valentine's Day|0 Comments

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Pure natural cosmetics is not just a name, for me and many others it became a way of life! All my life I had an affinity to healthy life style. As a dancer and a trainer, i was always looking for the good combination of healthy food and healthy movement. In time I learned that its not only what you eat that matters. Also what you use as cosmetics or medical products is important. The skin is the biggest organ in our body. About 60% of what we put on our skin gets into the blood system and with that to the inner organs. I invest my heart and soul into “Pure natural cosmetics” and the best part is to hear the amazing comments from my client.

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