Natural way for treating hormonal acne.

What Is Hormonal Acne?

Acne is caused by a combination of factors including—but certainly not limited to—excess sebum production, clogged pores, inflammation, and bacteria buildup on the skin. In some folks, however, hormones are the main culprit. Hormonal acne refers to breakouts that occur in women around the time of their menstrual cycle, as the fluctuations in hormones stimulate oil glands, leading to acne flares.

What Causes Hormonal Acne?

While any menstruator can have hormonal acne, it can be associated with certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Hormonal acne typically occurs on the lower third of the face, often affecting the jawline and chin, but can also contribute to breakouts on the chest and back.

How to Get Rid of Hormonal Acne Naturally

If you don’t want to opt into medications, there are a variety of ways to treat hormonal acne naturally, from certain bacteria-fighting essential oils to prioritizing stress reduction. Here are my tips on the best natural treatments for hormonal acne:

1.Reduce stress levels

These days, starting from kindergarten, the pressure is on. We all experience it and try our best to reduce it.

And if you’ve noticed extra pimples during times of stress, you’re not alone. Research shows there’s a definite link between stress and acne breakouts. Stress is detrimental to the body in myriad different ways, but it can do a serious number on the skin and cause hormonal acne to flare up.

During periods of stress, the body produces more testosterone, which in turn stimulates oil glands and hair follicles to trigger acne. For this reason(and your overall wellbeing), I always drives home the importance of stress management to my clients.

Stress interferes with wound-healing as well as promoting acne breakouts. The same hormones that help prepare our body to deal with stressful circumstances also have an impact on our skin, so whether it’s meditation or yoga, do what you can to minimize your personal stress levels. For me. Daily meditation is a great way to minimize stress, as is exercise, breathwork, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

2.Watch your diet

So, does diet actually contribute to hormonal acne? According to the experts, it definitely can. Foods with a high glycemic index, such as sugary foods, have been found to worsen both hormonal and non-hormonal acne, so does cow’s milk, which creates moist in the body (a good place for bacteries to grow ) Refined sugars and starches increase our blood glucose level, leading to inflammation and driving acne breakouts.

Skin-loving foods he recommends incorporating into your diet include fermented ingredients like kombucha, sauerkraut, and kimchi, which help balance our bodies’ microbiome and reduce the inflammation that leads to breakouts.

Regarding cow milk- It’s unclear whether it is the sugar or hormones in the milk from the lactating cow, but milk may lead to acne breakouts in predisposed individuals, Consider a milk substitute like almond or oat milk, or  goats’ milk if you’re acne-prone.

Finally, many advises upping your intake of green tea if you struggle with frequent hormonal acne flares. Green tea is known to have anti-inflammatory benefits, making it another good option to reduce inflammation that may contribute to hormonal breakouts.

3.Try tea tree oil 

Tea tree oil kills C. acnes, the bacteria associated with acne.

As a hormonal acne treatment, I recommend either using a tea tree oil-based cleanser or creating a diluted wash using a mixture of water with a few drops of raw oil that you can apply directly on your breakouts.  tea tree oil has been shown to reduce inflammation, meaning it may also help reduce the redness associated with hormonal breakouts.

I created the Acne Face Cleanser when i was suffering from adults acne…and it’s still a very popular products at Pure’s range!

4.Customize your skincare

When it comes to lifestyle factors like your skincare routine, it’s important for those with hormonal acne to cleanse at least once or twice a day. You want to ensure that you’re getting rid of bacteria and excess sebum that contributes to acne, so don’t skimp on cleansing, but also be sure not to over-cleanse or attempt to scrub the acne away, as this can damage your skin barrier.

Using harsh soaps or abrasive scrubs can actually irritate the skin and contribute to worsening acne.

5. Get on the routine of a natural facial, and if possible schedule it a week before your cycle

A facial that uses natural products and that is tailored specially for you, every 6 weeks, will change the game for you.

The level of cleaning done during a facial is deeper that you can ever achieve at home, your skin will get the treatment and care it needs and no, it doesn’t mean you will get out all bruised and red…The opposite:) For me, i intend to help you step out even more beautiful then before!